Course information

Instructor: Jacob Kalmbach

Embark on your journey into the world of security with our intensive DPSST Unarmed course, led by our expert in-house instructors, all certified with Oregon's DPSST. Tailored to meet the exacting standards of Black Wolf Protection Group, this course offers comprehensive training for certification as an unarmed security professional in Oregon. Spanning three dynamic days, our course not only fulfills the state's mandatory 14-hour DPSST requirement but also provides invaluable insights and practical skills essential for success in the field.

Join us bi-monthly for a transformative learning experience or opt for a private group course tailored to your organization's specific needs. Whether you're stepping into security for the first time or seeking to enhance your existing skills, our course offers a solid foundation for your career aspirations. Enroll today and embark on a path toward a rewarding career in security, guided by the expertise of industry leaders at Black Wolf Protection Group.

Course Cost - $195.00
Renewal Course Cost - $75.00

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