Class information

Krav Maga, meaning contact combat in Hebrew, is a system of self defense developed for both military and civil citizenry to be able to defend. Krav Maga started its development at the onset of WWII when many Jewish communities were literally fighting for their lives. Krav Maga was adopted by the IDF and has become an adaptive system of defensive tactics that is used by some of the best law enforcement, militaries, and security professionals around the world. 

In Krav Maga, we not only teach you how to utilize strikes, and contend with assailants trying to grab, choke, or harm (or worse) us, but we also address how to deal with weapons, multiple assailants, and various other scenarios. You will also have the opportunity to learn pre-violence threat indicators, as well as the opportunity to learn how to properly disarm weapons that you may come in hostile contact with.

All of our Krav Maga instructors here at Black Wolf Academy have years of experience teaching Krav Maga, as well as other complementary disciplines, and look forward to getting to train with you in class.

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